The Spring 2016 college poetry tour is finally here. We got to the airport much later than we would have liked to. As we waited, I wondered what wonderful experiences lie just beyond those revolving doors.
I usually like getting in at least 30 minutes before boarding. Unfortunately, today we didn’t have that privilege. We barely made it in before the doors closed, I completely lost my belt and wasn’t able to look for it until we landed in Atlanta.
Atlanta was another mad rush. I had about 30 minutes to put my belt on, find my boarding pass, and find our gate before we jumped on the next plane. We swung into Bojangles and got a biscuit before boarding. Unfortunately, I was very thirsty and I had thrown my cup away before getting a refill. I agonized about it for about five minutes before I slyly rammed my hand into the airport trash can and went to the Pepsi machine and rinsed it off and refilled it.
I’m not proud of that moment, but I don’t regret it.
We landed in Dallas at about 11:30. We got an Uber from a relatively weird guy. He was nice enough and took us to the north part of town where our rental car place was. There were some girls from Germany who were seemingly in town for the Justin Bieber concert. We were hoping for a Mercedes, but we ended up in a Camry—the perfect car for a spoken word poetry road trip.